About Me

My name is Kieran Padron, I am a 3rd year student at Florida Gulf Coast University studying Digital Media Design. With a concentration in UX/UI Design, I am currently looking for internships.
Wireframe Banner

Before Design

At the start of my time in university, I studied Special Education. Understanding and practicing empathy is a key part of both of my current and past fields, whether student or client.

The use of empathy in my daily professional life is what brought me to the design field, to understand my users and provide them with the best experience as possible. Hmm... Maybe it's not so different.

Before Design


I am currently on track to complete my Google UX Design Certification in September 2023. Afterwards, I plan on completing web development language courses for future certifications.


With a ready-to-learn attitude, I continue to perfect my craft!

Ready to Design

● Adobe XD — Intermediate

● Figma — Intermediate

Adobe Proficient

● Adobe Photoshop — Expert

● Adobe Illustrator — Advanced

● Adobe Premiere Pro — Intermediate


● HTML — Intermediate

● CSS — Intermediate

● JavaScript — Beginner

● Python — Beginner


● English — Native/Fluent

● French — Native/Fluent

● Spanish — Professional Level



T-Shirt Design

Illustrator & Photoshop

Blue architecture building

Manga Translating & Editing



I am currently looking for a Summer 2024 internship!

Download my CV by clicking the folder icon in the menu.